10+ lovely photos that prove Mongolia Reindeer herders has genuine smiles


Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy. – Thich Nhat Hanh


During my 14 days trip Extreme Winter Photo Tour to Northern Mongolia 2018’, I photographed different before and after smiling faces of The Dukha people –Reindeer herders whom I met. I figured out that smiling faces of these ethnic tribe people are more likely, to be honest than non-smiling faces of them. Despite temperatures that dip to minus 55 degrees in Celsius (- 67 degrees Fahrenheit) in winter and despite their migratory habit of wintering in Mongolian Taiga, migrating with their herds to look for better pastures for dozens of times, living year-around in teepees. There are about 500 of reindeer herders living as same as thousand years ago, almost no connection with the outside world and no internet. But they have the best connection to the natural earth and live happily in the remote Taiga.



They are true proof of human can adapt to the harshest nature conditions and environment and they chose it to protect their cultural heritage and forgo for any convenience for preserve their way of life. Let’s take a look at their genuine smiling photos and hope you have some positive energy and smile.

smiling kids photo in the Taiga of Mongolia


When Reindeer herder’s children reach school age, they go to the near valley center to attend school, which could be more than a couple of miles away from their home. So most of them stay in school dormitories or with relatives who live in the vaillage center. Students stay in the dormitory.  Local kids are so adorable. 


picture of tsaatan

Munkhuu, Tsaatan woman- scientific study of smile show differences in gender, generally women smile more often. 


picture of Tsaatan girl Mongolia

If you’re smiling at someone, it’s likely they can’t help but smile back. Look at this little girl named Maraljargal, Tsagaannuur village, Khuvsgul province.


tsaatan man photo in north Mongolia

Ganzorig, local herder of Ulaan-Uul village where famous Ulaan Taiga (Red Taiga) and its rare inhabitants of moose, Argali, Siberian ibex and red deer are part of it. This Mongolian man’s smile looks so simple but wanting to tell something. When we are happy, we do still smile 40-50 times a day, the average of us only does so 20 times.

picture of reindeer herding girl in Mongolia


taiga kids smiling photo

A cute boy named Temuujin.  We often feel happier around children because they smile more. On average, children smile 400 times a day. 


Tsaatan People Mongolia

Mongolia Tsaatan reindeer herders practice Shamanism, religion based on mother-nature worship. It is considered the oldest and root practices remaining until today. Female Shaman, Saintsetseg, who has ability to heal, connect with spirits and see the visions. 


kids smiling face picture of Taiga

picture of taiga kids in smile


portrait photo of taiga woman

Purevee, Tsaatan woman actually looks good when she smiles. She is viewed as reliable, relaxed and sincere. According to the source, there are 19 types of a smile but only six of them are for happiness. However, people from various cultures reveal their smiling faces to be more trustworthy and it works the same for Reindeer herders in Northern Mongolia. 

taiga kids photo Mongolia

As we know, Science has already proved that smiling increases your health, happiness and even helps you live longer. Each time we smile, we throw a little feel-good party in our brain that benefits not only us but also people around us. I totally agree with Photographing people is part of the technical and psychological thing. In Mongolia, for those who are photographer and traveler, I believe there are plenty of chances to meet different ethnic people whose culture, heritage and everything makes you feel discovered something that can’t be fully described only through pictures.

It is my pleasure to meet you all again with my recent photographs. Munkhjargal.M, photographer, traveler, managing director at Ayan Travel Mongolia.

Finally, I want to share the message- Let’s smile more often which make you and us feel good and have more positive emotions no matter where we live and what our environment is. 



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